Family Connections NJ4S-Essex services (School Representative NJ Statewide) is here to provide vital support services to students in grades 6th through 12th in your school. Our team of Prevention Consultants and Clinicians is fully prepared to engage with your students and address their needs.
Getting Started with NJ4S-Essex:
To initiate the sign-up process, please fill out this quick survey designed to collect contact information for your school or district’s representative. The superintendent or other district representative will have access to district dashboard information. The school representative will be responsible for completing applications for NJ4S Hub services. The NJ4S portal accepts the registration of up to eight school representatives. School representatives may not represent more than one school at a time. Signing up for more than one school may result in a delay in portal access.
This survey is limited to schools that service 6th-12th grade students. As applications are only required for tier two and three services. It does not include K-6 elementary schools.
To access the NJ4S system user portal, users will be provided a link through email. The contact information provided here will be used to send the link to the designated school or district representatives.
No Cost Services:
It’s important to note that all our services come at no cost to your school or students. NJ4S-Essex is funded by the Department of Children and Families (DCF), ensuring accessibility for all.
Application Process:
Each school will have up to eight designated liaisons responsible for submitting applications through Salesforce. These applications can include requests for group prevention services and referrals for individual counseling from our skilled clinicians.
Key Documents:
Download our essential documents:
These documents are crucial for initiating group or individual services for students.
Personalized Assistance:
Should you require additional support with the application process, we are here to help. Reach out to schedule a one-on-one virtual or in-person session. For any inquiries regarding our services or procedures, please contact us at (973) 323-3451 or via email at [email protected].